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5. Setup the commandline interface to import the Realm app code

The commandline interface to import the Realm app code is called “realm-cli”. We will set this up in this step, then import all the Realm code in the next step.

  1. realm-cli setup
    1. Install realm-cli - follow the instructions for manual install or npm install at

    2. Connect your commandline with Realm using realm-cli login and the values from the template for “API Public Key” and “API Private Key”:
      realm-cli login --api-key="API_Public_Key" --private-api-key="API_Private_Key"

      When successful, you will see this message:
      “You have successfully logged in as PUBLIC_API_KEY”

    3. Use realm-cli to add a secret called “AWS-secret-key”. If you are connecting your instance with an external AWS environment, add your AWS secret key as the --value in this command. If you are NOT connecting your instance with AWS, you STILL need to run this command but --value can be set to any string.
      You will put your Realm App ID from the template as the value of –app-id:
      realm-cli secrets add --name=AWS-secret-key --value=my-aws-secret-api-key --app-id=REALM_APP_ID

      It works when the output is:
      “New secret created: AWS-secret-key”

Now you are all set up to import the Realm code!

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