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4. Realm API Key Generation

  1. In order to import the Realm App functions and triggers, we need to authenticate with an API key.

    1. Click on the arrow next to Access Manager, then Project Access: Location for accessing Project Access

    2. Click “API Keys” Location for Api Keys

    3. Click “Create API Key” on the right-hand side of your screen Create Api Key Location

    4. Copy the Public Key into the template under “API Public Key”.

    5. Add in a description and allow all permissions except read-only. Click “Next”. options for API Keys

    6. Copy your private key into the template as “API Private Key”. Click “Add Whitelist Entry”. instruction for white listing entry

    7. Add your current IP to the whitelist and click “Save”. instruction for adding ip to the whitelist

Now you’re ready to set up the command-line interface to import the Realm app!

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