On this page, you will make the Compliance Rate chart - shown as the percentage below:
On the Charts Dashboard, select “Add Chart”
- Set the title to “Compliance Rate”
- Set the Data Source to wildaid.BoardingReports
Choose a Chart type of Text:
Choose a Chart subtype of Number:
- We need to calculate the percentage of a subset of data as compared to the total amount of data, which we cannot do with a calculated field. However, we can do this with an aggregation, which we can paste into the Query field, and then select “Apply”:
[{$group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: 1 }, justCompliant: { $sum: { $cond: { 'if': {$and: [ {$ifNull: ['$inspection.summary.violations.disposition',0]}, {$or: [ {$in: ['Warning','$inspection.summary.violations.disposition']}, {$in: ['Citation','$inspection.summary.violations.disposition']} ] } ] }, 'then': 0, 'else': 1 } } } }}, {$project: { percentage: { $divide: [ '$justCompliant', '$total' ] }, inspection: 1, justCompliant: 1, total: 1 }}]
You will see your fields have changed to an ID and three numbers - justCompliant, percentage, and total:
Drag “percentage” to the “Number” field, making sure that the aggregate is by “SUM”:
The field is in decimal value:
Select “Customize”, then percentage, then toggle Decimals and set it to 2:
Toggle the Multiplier and set it to 100.
Toggle the Suffix and set it to be %:
And you should see the percentage in the window. Select “Save and Close” -
On your dashboard, mouse over the chart until you see the ellipses. Select the ellipses and select “Embed Chart”:
Select the “Authenticated” section, make sure “Enabled authenticated access” is set to “ON”, and set the User Specified Filters to “date” and select the green “SAVE” button:
Copy the Chart ID:
Select “Close” to close the “Embed Chart” window.
- Paste the Chart ID into your web application’s src/config.js file under “compliance-rate”.
Onward to the donut chart!