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Build Web App - Preparation

Now it’s time to put your Realm app into Development mode so deploying the web app is easier, and set up a fulltext index with Atlas Search:

  1. In the Realm UI, enable Realm Sync “Development Mode” - Click Sync on left-hand menu, then “Development Mode” tab.
    How to enable Development Mode in Realm UI

  2. Fill in the appropriate information - Select the cluster name with RealmSync modifier, the database is “wildaid”, the partition key is “agency” and if prompted the field type is “string”. Click “Turn Dev Mode On”: How to Turn the Dev Mode ON

  3. Click “OK” that Development Mode is on.

  4. Despite other indications, development mode is not really on until you click “Review and Deploy” in the blue bar on the top, and then deploy the changes: How to deploy the changes for starting Development Mode


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