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Create Map Chart

On this page, you will make the map: an example of a map chart with coloured markers for coordinates

  1. On the Charts Dashboard, select “Add Chart”
    location of the button to click to add chart

  2. Set the title to “Boardings”
    where to add a title for a map

  3. Set the Data Source to wildaid.BoardingReports:
    list of data sources and location of wildaid.BoardingReports data source

  4. Choose a Chart type of Geospatial:
    list of chart types and location of geospatial option

  5. Choose a Chart subtype of Scatter:
    chart type options

  6. Drag “location” to Coordinates:
    the coordinates field to which location should be dragged

  7. Drag inspection -> summary -> safetyLevel -> level to “Color”:
    fields menu open showing color option and location to drag to

  8. Select “Customize”. Set the Label Override to “Risk” and drag the colors to the proper ordering so that the colors match their labels:
    toggle switch for label override option

  9. Your map looks something like this. Select “Save and Close”:
    final view of map with location of save and close button

  10. On your dashboard, mouse over the chart until you see the ellipses. Select the ellipses and select “Embed Chart”: menu that appears on mouseover and location of embed chart option

  11. Select the “Authenticated” section, make sure “Enabled authenticated access” is set to “ON”, and set the User Specified Filters to the values: “date” “_id” and select the green “SAVE” button:
    tabbed menu with authenticated section highlighted and open

  12. Copy the Chart ID:
    tabbed menu with authenticated section highlighted and open; location of the chart's url visible next to copy button

  13. Select “Close” to close the “Embed Chart” window.

  14. Paste the Chart ID into your web application’s src/config.js file under “boardings”.

That’s it! You’ve created all the charts!

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