On this page, you will make the map:
On the Charts Dashboard, select “Add Chart”
Set the title to “Boardings”
Set the Data Source to wildaid.BoardingReports:
Choose a Chart type of Geospatial:
Choose a Chart subtype of Scatter:
Drag “location” to Coordinates:
Drag inspection -> summary -> safetyLevel -> level to “Color”:
Select “Customize”. Set the Label Override to “Risk” and drag the colors to the proper ordering so that the colors match their labels:
Your map looks something like this. Select “Save and Close”:
On your dashboard, mouse over the chart until you see the ellipses. Select the ellipses and select “Embed Chart”:
Select the “Authenticated” section, make sure “Enabled authenticated access” is set to “ON”, and set the User Specified Filters to the values: “date” “_id” and select the green “SAVE” button:
Copy the Chart ID:
Select “Close” to close the “Embed Chart” window.
Paste the Chart ID into your web application’s src/config.js file under “boardings”.
That’s it! You’ve created all the charts!