Now that you have created the Boarding List Chart, let’s embed it in your application.
On your dashboard, mouse over the chart until you see the ellipses. Select the ellipses and select “Embed Chart”:
Select the “Authenticated” section, then set “Enabled authenticated access” to “ON”, then select “Add” to set up an Authentication Provider.
- Enter a name for the authentication integration, such as “O-FISH Charts for Web”
- Select “Realm” as the Provider.
- Select your Realm Project (our example is WildAid)
- Select your Realm app - this is the same as your Realm App ID (e.g. wildaid-xxxxx)
- Set the “Fetch data using Realm app” toggle to “ON”
- Set the Realm Service Name to “mongodb-atlas”
Your settings should look something like this - if all looks good, select “Save Provider”:
When you have a green verification section, select “Back to Embed Chart”:
Set the User Specified Filters to “date” and select “Save”:
Copy the Charts Base URL:
Paste the URL into your web application’s src/config.js file (where the realmAppId is set):
Go back to the Web UI and copy the Chart ID:
In the Charts UI, select “Close” to close the “Embed Chart” window.
- Paste the Chart ID into your web application’s src/config.js file under “patrol-hours”.