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0. Atlas Database

The first step is to set up the Atlas database - this is the foundation data layer that serve data to the mobile apps, charts, and web apps.

Throughout this guide, you will need to keep track of a lot of information.
Copy and paste the template into a scratch pad, to keep track of it all.

  1. Login to - create a free login if needed.

  2. If needed, create an organization (example: Code For Good).

  3. Create a project (example: WildAid). Fill in the “Project Name” on the template that you copied to your scratchpad. Case sensitivity matters!

  4. Click Access Manager, then Organization Access: Click Organization Access,from the drop-down menu of Access Manager

    1. Click the EDIT PERMISSIONS button next to your name.
    2. Give yourself the following permissions:
      Organization Owner, Organization Project Creator, Organization Billing Admin, Organization Member
      and click the green checkmark.

      Check Organization Owner, Organization Project Creator, Organization Billing Admin, Organization Member

  5. Create a 4.4 Cluster:
    1. Click “Projects” on the left-hand navigation menu
      From nav-bar select Projects

    2. Click your project name (example: WildAid)
    3. Click Build a Cluster
    4. Choose a path - choose the FREE Shared Clusters on the right: Select your plan

    5. Choose Cloud Provider and Region aws has selected for cloud provider and region

    6. Choose Cluster Tier - choose M0, the free tier select Mo cluster tier

    7. Select a Version - MongoDB 4.4 Additional Setting for more customization

    8. Cluster Name (example: OFISH) - write this in template under “Atlas Cluster Name” Type your cluster name

    9. Click “Create Cluster” - this will take a few minutes

Congratulations, you have set up an Atlas database!

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